推广 热搜: 锦利  求购ACF  glw800/11/s往复式给煤机  T型槽试验平台  DFH20/7电动球阀  AH0.6/12矿用按钮箱  T型槽装配平台  铸铁试验平台  回收ACF胶  BQG450/0.2气动隔膜泵 


   日期:2024-05-28     浏览:32    评论:0    
核心提示:成都新茶嫩茶联系方式公布:195-82209-89832(蔚垫同步)这是一个周末的下午,我们可爱小兔假日小队的几个小朋友和爸爸妈妈兴致勃勃地来到了心源茶馆,茶馆里的人很多。This is a week

This is a weekend afternoon, our lovely little rabbit holiday team of several children and mom and dad enthusiastically came to the Xinyuan teahouse, the teahouse is a lot of people.

Although it is to taste tea is really like adults to taste, children do not make tea, each a bottle of AD calcium milk. Because it was around noon, we went to take the buffet to eat, some eat ice cream, some eat rice noodles, some eat peanuts, and some eat barbecue slices! Others are working in full swing, we eat with relish! Full, our children play our own activities, we play hide and seek, play games, play little Mimi, mothers are talking about their own topics!

Feel is to taste tea, taste the mother’s rose tea, rose tea, pink, clear and refreshing, listen to the aunt said, this flower beauty, drink drink feel really become more beautiful. Looking at me drinking tea, all the children also began to taste tea, each said their feelings: Cheng Mengzi said: ” This chrysanthemum tea is cool, but still plain boiled water is good to drink. “Xu Haiyu said,” I don’t like tea, but I think this activity is very meaningful to enrich my summer life. “Zhang Zhihan said,” I met my classmates whom I had not seen for many days. I am very happy. “Tao Junru said:” Although I did not drink tea, but I brought a lot of happiness to the children, I am happier. “Gold heard that” the little rabbit team invited me to every activity, I am so happy!


Ding Ziqi said: ” I participate in two activities a day, although a little tired, but I feel in the summer there are so many children to play together, is the greatest fun! Chen Jingnan said: ” Tang Ma said that I am a special guest of the lovely rabbit team, and the children of the rabbit team together, I now more sunshine than before, I really hope that every time when a guest, ha ha. “Qian Fujia said:” This activity makes me think that our classmates are all great! “I said:” If you have time, I really hope to do activities every day, of course, with my mother’s support is my most happy thing, I hope every activity will bring you great joy, new feelings and new experience!


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